La FOK-SNP soutient et coordonne des projets de recherche dans le parc national suisse, dans le parc naturel régional du Val Müstair et dans la zone d'entretien et de développement de la réserve de biosphère Engiadina Val Müstair.en plus

Image : Meisterfoto, stock.adobe.comen plus

Utilization of research knowledge in transformation pathways towards sustainability

Co-creation of research knowledge between academics and non-academic stakeholders, contributes to sustainable development and societal transformation. Based on a survey conducted among 43 international research partnership projects, this policy brief recommend an active engagement with non-academic actors, especially from vulnerable groups and local enterprises, from the start of a research endeavour.


Key Messages

Research knowledge from 43 r4d projects is mostly used in science and to a lesser extent in policy-making and development practice.

Most frequent non-academic users of research knowledge are governmental institutions and local communities.

Different stages of utilization of research knowledge have been identified.

Projects achieve multiple stages of utilization at different geographic scales from local to global.

The early involvement of non-academic actors from key groups is linked to their utilization of research knowledge.

