FOK-SNP promotes and coordinates research projects in the Swiss National Park, in the Regional Nature Park Val Müstair and in the conservation and development zone of the Engiadina Val Müstair Biosphere Reserve.more

Image: Meisterfoto, stock.adobe.commore

Registration for the SNP+ research symposium on 12./13. June 2025.

Are you going to make a contribution?
Presenting language:
Preferred type of contribution:

Participation at lunch (Thursday, 12 of June – offered):
Menu option:

Participation indinner in the restaurant Bär and Post, Zernez (Thursday, June 12 - cost of 35 Fr. plus drinks):
Menu option:
Participation in excursions on the 13th of June (in German - travel costs covered by the participants):
Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 2
Priority 2